Business Growth 66

Understanding Your Customer with Chris Laub - BGP 66

Episode #66 mit:
Chief Executive Officer
PodKick Media
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Chris Laub is a research copywriter and is in the quest for understanding what customers truly want by asking them questions in surveys or through phone conversations. He’s going to share the questions he asks and how to get beyond surface level information.


Show Notes:

00:04 Episode highlights and summary

00:46 Introducing Chris

01:45 Helping the Shark Tank product sell

04:38 Getting inside the mind of the consumer

06:50 The Market Research Pyramid

10:29 Using the surface level information

11:01 Going deeper to understand your customers

13:29 Tactics for running a market research survey

15:35 The single most important question you can ask

18:24 Why not just go one-to-one?

20:23 What questions he’s asking to extract the “gold”

27:46 Say thanks to Chris on his Facebook page



Market Research Phone Script - Downloadable PDF

Chri’s FB page -



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