Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast 244

#244: Tactical Tuesday: The Challenges of Change PLUS Exciting New Updates

Episode #244 mit:
Healthcare Boss Academy
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Jason A. Duprat, MBA, CRNA, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Boss Academy podcast, talks about the challenges brought by changes and what to expect when changes are implemented. As Jason improves on his EOS, some inefficiencies in the system were revamped and reorganized to streamline the process further. Inevitably some team members will resist the process and changes, so he shares some insight on how to manage change and work toward building a team of above average players. Jason also provides new updates they prepared to serve the healthcare entrepreneurship space better.


  • Change is challenging for everyone, so addressing issues to avoid team conflict is important.
  • Having everyone reporting directly to you is extremely hard, so hiring new talent with leadership skills will help the company grow and reduce your stress.
  • Restructuring, rebuilding, and getting things in check are difficult but will ultimately take your company to the next level.
  • Jason and the team have prepared new training programs and a new award with their goal to become leaders in the healthcare entrepreneurship space.
  • It is vital to surround yourself with other entrepreneurs, so Jason and his team have started planning a new Mastermind program to create that close-knit circle
  • Jason has partnered with a successful aesthetics physician and they have already started building a new Aesthetics Academy
  • The Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy YouTube channel will be relaunched soon, and a new in-person consulting will also be available on a super-limited basis for those willing to have an on-site film team



  1. Changes need to happen for the greater good of the company.
  2. Take into account best practices from other business owners.
  3. A new approach to how to do things will be what stimulates growth in your business.


“What got you to the million-dollar mark in your business is not going to be the same thing that gets you to the ten-million-dollar mark.” – Jason Duprat

“Implementing change is very frustrating, tedious, time-consuming, and slows a lot of things down in the short-term, but it’s something that has to happen for long-term success.” – Jason Duprat



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