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ARRtist on AIR Episode #130

130: ESOP, VSOP, real Shares? - How to use Equity Incentives the right way

Wovon handelt dieser Podcast?

The best market leaders are incentivizing employees with equity in the company, as it creates a feeling of ownership and aligns employee and shareholder interests. Optio is a SaaS company that provides software and support for optimization of all processes related to your equity compensation. We believe in fusing technology with the power of equity compensation to enhance our clients’ business model.

The best market leaders are incentivizing employees with equity in the company, as it creates a feeling of ownership and aligns employee and shareholder interests. Optio is a SaaS company that provides software and support for optimization of all processes related to your equity compensation. We believe in fusing technology with the power of equity compensation to enhance our clients’ business model.

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