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The Entrepreneur Experiment Episode #394

EE 394 - Mentor Moment - James Whelton - Find Joy in the Process

Wovon handelt dieser Podcast?

Every great founder needs a mentor. That is why every single week, I bring you a new one.

In this Mentor Moment, James Whelton dives into the importance of finding joy in the process over just chasing outcomes.

He shares a key insight: if you're spending 90% of your time on the journey, it only makes sense to enjoy it. James reflects on his own experiences and how this mindset shaped his approach to work and success.

This is a must-listen for anyone seeking a fresh perspective on aligning passion with purpose.

To listen to the full episode go back to episode 306.

Thanks to my season title partner

Local Enterprise Office: https://bit.ly/leodigital21 

Find out more about digitalisation for your business in the link above.

Every great founder needs a mentor. That is why every single week, I bring you a new one.

In this Mentor Moment, James Whelton dives into the importance of finding joy in the process over just chasing outcomes.

He shares a key insight: if you're spending 90% of your time on the journey, it only makes sense to enjoy it. James reflects on his own experiences and how this mindset shaped his approach to work and success.

This is a must-listen for anyone seeking a fresh perspective on aligning passion with purpose.

To listen to the full episode go back to episode 306.

Thanks to my season title partner

Local Enterprise Office: https://bit.ly/leodigital21 

Find out more about digitalisation for your business in the link above.

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