Business Growth 31

BGP 031 Davis Smith

Episode #31 mit:
Chief Executive Officer
PodKick Media
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Davis Smith, the founder of talks about raising millions from VC’s to start his businesses, while maintaining a pledge for good to the world 0:29 – Introduction 1:12 – His first startup 4:13 – Growing up in Latin America and world traveling 5:30 – Talking about taking risks and stepping into the business full-time 7:28 – His first business exit 9:00 – After selling his company he went to Wharton School of Business 12:55 – Raising venture money on Sandhill Road and starting 15:20 – Obstacles and surprises he faced with 20:19 – Meeting Edgar, the pivotal life changing moment while living in Peru 26:22 – Non profit vs profits for good 28:48 – Creating the Cotopaxi business model at 2am “The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul” Dieter Uchtdorf 30:42 – How to find and apply your inner creations and business models “It takes the same amount of time to build a hundred million dollar business as it does to build a one million dollar business” 32:16 – Closing the feedback loop 38:37 – Bootstrapping vs venture backed business 41:24 – The Questival, catapulting the Cotopaxi brand and awareness 44:06 – They are a benefit corporation set to give back for the life of the business 48:06 – His vision of the company in the future 50:40 – Davis’s 48 hour challenge Check out their cause and gear at

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