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Startup Savant Episode #79

From Grammy-Winner to Entrepreneur: The Story Behind Devo Harris' Adventr

Wovon handelt dieser Podcast?

Devo Harris went from grammy award winning producer and founder of GOOD Music alongside Kanye West to successful tech startup founder. Harris founded Adventr to introduce interactive video marketing to the mainstream and to create valuable experiences for consumers. On this episode of the podcast, we chat with Devo about how his background influenced his entrepreneurial journey, the ways venture capital needs to change, and how working with Kanye impacted his story so far. 

About the guest: 

Devo Harris is a Grammy award winning producer, entrepreneur, and founding member of Kanye West’s label GOOD Music. Harris is notably responsible for propelling EGOT winner John Legend to fame by signing him to the label. His startup, Adventr, has caught the attention of major brands including Adidas, Nike, Lexus, H&M, 23andMe, Paramount+, and NASCAR.

Adventr Links:

  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/devoharris/
  • https://adventr.ai/

Startup Savant Links: 

  • https://startupsavant.com/podcast
  • https://www.youtube.com/@StartupSavantPodcast/
  • https://www.instagram.com/startupsavantpodcast/
  • https://www.linkedin.com/company/startup-savant/

Devo Harris went from grammy award winning producer and founder of GOOD Music alongside Kanye West to successful tech startup founder. Harris founded Adventr to introduce interactive video marketing to the mainstream and to create valuable experiences for consumers. On this episode of the podcast, we chat with Devo about how his background influenced his entrepreneurial journey, the ways venture capital needs to change, and how working with Kanye impacted his story so far. 

About the guest: 

Devo Harris is a Grammy award winning producer, entrepreneur, and founding member of Kanye West’s label GOOD Music. Harris is notably responsible for propelling EGOT winner John Legend to fame by signing him to the label. His startup, Adventr, has caught the attention of major brands including Adidas, Nike, Lexus, H&M, 23andMe, Paramount+, and NASCAR.

Adventr Links:

  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/devoharris/
  • https://adventr.ai/

Startup Savant Links: 

  • https://startupsavant.com/podcast
  • https://www.youtube.com/@StartupSavantPodcast/
  • https://www.instagram.com/startupsavantpodcast/
  • https://www.linkedin.com/company/startup-savant/
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