How Leaders Lead with David Novak 124

Dr. John Noseworthy, CEO Emeritus of Mayo Clinic – Improve what’s already working

Episode #124 mit:
Founder and CEO
How Leaders Lead
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Today’s guest is Dr. John Noseworthy, CEO Emeritus of Mayo Clinic.
People come from all over the world to get treatment at the Mayo Clinic. It’s always ranked at or near the top of the best hospitals in the country. 
And it takes a special leader to step into an established organization with a sterling reputation – and make it even better.
And Dr. Noseworthy is a special leader!
He knew it was critical not only to keep that level of excellence but also to build on it. In his ten years at the helm, he relentlessly drove out inefficiency and waste. That freed up resources they could reinvest in even more of the research and care they’re known for. 
Now, it wasn’t easy. Change never is! And that’s especially true in an organization like Mayo where people already feel like things are working well.
But a great leader drives change even in high performing organizations. Listen to learn how John does it, and how you can do it, too.
You’ll also learn:

How to spot and eliminate inefficiency, even in a high-performing culture

Advice for young people who want to find a satisfying career 

Practical tips for helping subject-matter experts understand business principles

What he would do about the US healthcare system if he had a magic wand

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