How Leaders Lead with David Novak 138

Oscar Munoz, Former Chairman & CEO of United Airlines – Appeal to both hearts and minds

Episode #138 mit:
Founder and CEO
How Leaders Lead
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Today’s guest is Oscar Munoz, the former CEO and Chairman of United Airlines.
Oscar led United through a massive turnaround. And this conversation is a fascinating, story-filled look at how it happened. 
It’s also a great reminder for every leader: 
You’ve got to do more than just create smart strategies and solve technical problems. 
The real challenge is how you do all that while also reaching the hearts of the people you lead.
That was the driving force of the turnaround at United, and it’s true for whatever challenges you’re facing, too. 
To make big things happen, you’ve got to appeal to both minds AND hearts. Listen to this conversation and see how it’s done.
You’ll also learn:
• Why he went “off script” after a high-profile social media disaster
• One reason to have tough performance conversations OUTSIDE of traditional reviews
• Why Oscar was always the last person to board a flight
• What you need to successfully navigate career transitions
• The #1 thing to do when you’re in a turnaround situation
• The one situation in which growth is NOT the right mindset

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