Business Growth 26

BGP 026 - Kevin Davis On PaidTraffic

Episode #26 mit:
Chief Executive Officer
PodKick Media
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Kevin Davis of talks about how businesses can leverage pay per click advertising on Facebook to grow their business. In this interview you’ll see exactly what a 7 figure ad manager does for Facebook pay per click Ad campaigns. httpvh:// 0:30 Kevin talks about vanity metrics vs business critical metrics The metrics he focus on: How many leads came in? How much money did we spend? How much did those leads cost? 3:00 How tell which type of lead to acquire and how much to pay “An email lead has no value unless it converts to a sale” 4:46 Why eliminating low cost campaigns can make sense 8:35 Cash-flowing campaigns is the stopping point for many business owners. He shares how to solve that problem 10:17 Obstacles you may face when running Facebook Ads 12:15 Why focusing on “LIKES” and “SHARES” will KILL your business 14:11 The “silent sales force” …retargeting 18:29 Why he uses multiple retargeting platforms 21:56 Case Study with 26:00 Why he suggests starting with 10-15% retargeting budget 29:49 When you shouldn’t run ads 32:18 How to use retargeting to run ads to your internal email list 38:07 Using partner categories to SCALE CAMPAIGNS 40:55 Get a FREE $70 Retargeting Ad Credit and 43:08 The 48 hour challenge Connect with Kevin and get your Free Google Analytics Dashboards at

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