Business Growth 18

BGP 018 Dave Crenshaw Creating A Focused Business

Episode #18 mit:
Chief Executive Officer
PodKick Media
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Dave Crenshaw shares his formula for creating a focused business. He also talks about using systems and simplicity to grow your business. Learn more about Dave at 0:54 He was diagnosed with off the charts ADD… and what he did to overcome that challenge 3:55 How an entrepreneur can overcome noise and chaos around them “Chaos is the haphazard allocation of resources towards things of variable value” 5:50 Why simplifying things are critical for growing your business 8:15 What the jack of all trades is and how it shackles you to your business 10:57 He shares his process for creating a system and outsourcing the system 1. Improve your personal systems 2. Improve the business systems 3. Use the best technology 4. Utilize outsourcing 5. Make the hire 13:13 Problems business owners face when outsourcing 14:57 What you can do to uncover your personal strengths 16:16 He explains his early on struggles and failures… and how he overcame them 19:20 When to say “no” to your customers 22:30 Dave’s story about the best hot dog stand in the world Take the free four minute assessment at and get the action plan

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