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Brian Garrett -- Crosscut Ventures

Wovon handelt dieser Podcast?

Brian Garrett wants to get the message out that Crosscut VI is not the same firm that invested in ShoeDazzle and Ipsy in 2009, but they will continue to follow the talent of SoCal into FrontierTech and beyond.   Brian concedes that LA is never going to be the #1 AI hub, but engineers in LA have been building “hard shit” for a very long time. Crosscut VI will invest in space exploration, clean energy and advanced manufacturing.

Brian Garrett wants to get the message out that Crosscut VI is not the same firm that invested in ShoeDazzle and Ipsy in 2009, but they will continue to follow the talent of SoCal into FrontierTech and beyond.   Brian concedes that LA is never going to be the #1 AI hub, but engineers in LA have been building “hard shit” for a very long time. Crosscut VI will invest in space exploration, clean energy and advanced manufacturing.

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