3. Understanding Big Data: How it can Change Your Business (and the World), with Berat Kjamili
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Andere Folgen dieser Serie
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42. How I Became a Startup Founder, Refugee, and Norwegian Woman of the Year, all at Once
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41. I was fired and started my own business: This is how I took the leap of faith, with Bibi de Vetter
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40. From the US Senate to IBM, here's how I made change happen - with Rana Novack
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38. Navigating the Startup VISA across 5 countries - How I started a business in Europe with 5 Euros
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36. From a refugee camp, to breaking financials borders, from Afghanistan to Ukraine
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35. How I Created an AI Community in the Midst of War, with Hassan Dayoub
Augmented Reality
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33. Behind the Scenes of Building an Impactful Business for Dubai's Migrants
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