Healthcare Boss Academy Podcast 295

#295: Overcome Shiny Object Syndrome, Narrow Your Focus and Stick With Your Business In 2023

Episode #295 mit:
Healthcare Boss Academy
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“Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” – Michael Jordan


Jason A. Duprat, MBA, CRNA, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Boss Academy podcast, talks about focusing only on one thing and avoiding the “Shiny Object Syndrome.” In this episode, Jason teaches us the importance of focusing on the basics and how they will bring us far above the competition. You can’t leap without learning to jump first. Tune in until the end to learn about our giveaway which ends next week!



  1. Focus on one business.
  2. Get really good at the boring stuff.
  3. Do more of that boring stuff.



  • What separates great entrepreneurs from the rest is the ability to resist the Shiny Object Syndrome.
  • All of the ‘shiny objects” create other tasks that detract from your main opportunity.
  • The only time it’s okay to try out different opportunities is when you’re just testing out the waters and figuring out your niche.
  • Your business should have a mission that is more than just money. That mission will help you stick to your business and help you focus.
  • Jason quotes Neil Strauss, “Success comes down to doing the obvious thing for an uncommonly long period without convincing yourself that you are smarter than you are.”
  • If you haven’t mastered the business basics, you should not be thinking of starting a second business.
  • The basics will fill the holes in your business and allow you to grow more than most competitors.
  • If you’re handling multiple businesses, let go of all of them except for one with the greatest potential.



“What makes an advanced entrepreneur is being able to execute the basics well.” – Jason A. Duprat

“Get really good at the simple, boring, tedious business aspects before you consider moving to the next business opportunity.” – Jason A. Duprat



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