How Leaders Lead with David Novak 116

Dude Perfect Cofounders Ty and Coby – Quality over quantity

Episode #116 mit:
Founder and CEO
How Leaders Lead
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Today I’m talking with Tyler Toney and Coby Cotton, two of the five “dudes” who created Dude Perfect. They have racked up over 15 billion views on YouTube – yup, that’s billions, with a b – and have built an incredible business with live shows, merchandise, and more. And I gotta tell ya, my wife Wendy and I have been watching a ton of their videos to prep for this interview and I don’t think we’ve ever laughed so hard! 
But behind all the trick shots and stereotype videos, Dude Perfect is a serious brand and a fast-growing company. These five friends have been partners for thirteen years – and in a space where attention tends to be pretty fleeting, that’s some serious longevity. 
What I love is how they prioritize quality above quantity. They’re really selective whenever they vet content ideas and sponsorship opportunities. And that’s helped them build a brand that people truly trust and keep coming back to. If you want to build something that lasts, then keep listening, because boy, you are going to learn a ton.
So here is my conversation with my good friends – and soon to be yours – Ty and Coby from Dude Perfect!

Do you want to find more joy in your life and career this year? I’ve got a book that will teach you the tools for coaching yourself to success in 2023. Just go to

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